
New Features

  1. Users can now preview PDFs on the Upload Documents screen by clicking on the preview () icon–case 31292
  2. Accessibility updates including:--ENG-46
    1. User can now close modal pop-ups with the Escape key + other keyboard accessibility improvements–ENG-29, ENG-23
    2. Expanded screen reader support–ENG-25
  3. Updated top search field label–case 29773

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed issue with copying documents that have a Primary Field–ENG-734
  2. Fixed error with adding organizational document templates–case 30710
  3. Fixed issue with viewing similar folders–case 30815

Under-the-Hood Enhancements

  1. Updated dependencies to improve security posture–case 29600, case 31061, case 31246, case 31266, case 31268, case 30872, case 30906, case 30872, case 29324
  2. Optimized document upload efficiency–case 28657