Creating Organizational Saved Searches

Saved Search Managers can send saved searches to organizations, positions, working groups, or individual users.

To do so, begin creating a saved search as normal. As a Saved Search Manager, you will see a Make Organizational toggle that normal users don’t see.

Create Saved Search Screen with Make Organizational Toggle
Save Search Window

Turn on the Make Organizational toggle, and two new fields will appear: Organization  and Include Subgroups.

New Fields After Turning On Make Organizational Toggle

The Organization field works similar to a hierarchy filter.  You can either start typing directly in the field and select a suggestion, or click on the Select icon (). This opens the Select Position Window where you can navigate through the organization hierarchy to select the group or user you want to push your search out to.

Once you select a group, you can turn on the Include Subgroups toggle to push the search out to not only users who are members of the group you selected, but also users who are members of any sub-groups of that group.

When you click Save, a Confirm window appears to inform you of the number of users that will receive the search. You must also choose whether to send an email notification to alert users of the saved search.

Confirm Window
Confirm Window

When you click Confirm, the search will be pushed to the relevant users, meaning it will now show up in their left-hand menu.  If you turned on the Send Email Notification toggle, the system will also email the relevant users to let them know about the new saved search.