Assigning and Administering Tasks
With assign task privileges, managers can assign tasks to an organization or user even if they are not part of that organization or originally assigned that task.
If employees go out of town, and no one else can work their tasks, a manager with Assign Task privileges can go into the application to re-assign tasks, or a manager with Administer Task privileges can go into the application to complete tasks.
Locate Pending Tasks on the Assign Tasks Tab
In the left navigation pane, click Inbox, and then click the Assign Tasks tab.
The Assign Tasks tab only appears when the user has the correct privileges configured.
Enter or select a value for the Folder Type field.
Ensure the Show Inboxes For field appears on the search screen.
In the Show Inboxes For field, enter an employee name or the organization name, and click Search.
View the pending tasks for the employee or organization.
Choose a pending task, and click the Action menu for it.
The following options can appear: View Task, Reassign to Another User or Assign to User, Clear User Assignment, and Change Task Organization.
Note that Reassign to Another User and Clear User Assignment options are available if and only if the task is assigned to you.
Assign to User
To re-assign a task to another user, click Assign to User or Reassign to Another User from the task’s Action Menu.
The Assign to User window appears.
From the drop-down list, select an available user and click Save.
The task has been assigned to another user.
Only users who belong to the task’s current organization appear in this drop-down menu. To select a user from another organization, perform the Change Task Organization action instead.
Change Task Organization
To re-assign a task to another organization, click Change Task Organization from the task’s Action Menu.
The Select Organization window appears.
Enter or search for a different organization, and click Select.
The task is moved to a different organization.
If a specific user is selected rather than an organization, the system will both change the task’s organization to the user’s organization and re-assign the task to the specific user.
Complete Task
These options are only available if you have Administer Task privileges. Users without this privilege cannot view the Active Task tab for other user’s assigned tasks.
- To complete the task yourself, click View Task.
The folder window for the task appears with three options: Claim Task as Task Administrator and Return to Inbox, Start Working Task as Task Administrator, and Return to Inbox.
- Click Start Working Task as Task Administrator.
The task is assigned to you can you can work on it.
If you want to claim the task and return to it later, click Claim Task as Task Administrator and Return to Inbox instead. Return to Inbox leaves the task assigned to the current user.