Holiday Screen

Use this screen to do the following:

  • Create, modify, or delete holidays.
  • Search through existing holidays.
  • Export holiday information in a PDF or an Excel sheet.

Creating Holidays

The following task is an example scenario for using this screen.

  1. Click Administration > Holidays.
    The Holidays screen appears.
    Holidays Screen

  2. Click Add.
    The Holiday window appears.

  3. In the Name and Date fields, enter the necessary information (ex. Memorial Day and 05/30/2016), and then click Save.
    The holiday appears in the grid.

  4. Above the grid, use the Name and Date fields and click Search to narrow your search.

  5. Click Clear to see all holidays.

  6. Select a holiday and click Modify.

  7. In the Holiday window, alter the name or date, and click Save.

  8. To delete a holiday, select a holiday name, and click Delete > Delete.
    The holiday is deleted.