Document Management Introduction

QAction is an out-of-the-box Enterprise Content Management (ECM) application package. With QAction, your organization can store and organize all of its paper documents, electronic files, and emails in a single, integrated repository. The system uses security policies to protect documents from unauthorized access.

To learn about the workflow capabilities of the application, refer to the Workflow Functionality content.

This section discusses all document capabilities available in QAction (ex. adding, editing, and searching for documents).  There are also add-ins available for other applications to interface with QAction, which you can read more about here.

This electronic storage solution is beneficial for the following reasons:

  • It reduces the need for file cabinets and associated floor space.
  • It provides quick access to documents using an intuitive, web-based, online search.
  • It provides a means to back up files, so company records are not at risk in the event of a disaster.
  • It is suitable for small to large organizations.
  • Because the application is web-based, users can access documents from distributed locations.  

The following are some of QAction’s capabilities:

  • Store electronic document
  • Check out/in documents for version control
  • Capture email messages and attachments
  • Scan documents and review the quality
  • Index documents with barcode functionality and field entry
  • Generate PDFs using Optical Character Recognition
  • Use index data to search and retrieve content
  • View, print, and export documents
  • Develop user and organization roles
  • Restrict certain user abilities and allow for certain users to have administrative abilities
  • Extract and analyze document data
  • Capture emails and documents in batches

These features can all be customized according to your company’s needs.