Saved Searches Overview

You may find yourself needing to perform the same search frequently over time.  You can of course set the search up from scratch every time, but you can also save a search so that you only have to set it up once, and then it will be available as a link in the left-hand menu to re-run any time.

To save a search, first set up the desired search filters.  Then open the Save Options menu.

Save Options Menu

The options available in this menu will change depending on what you are able to do.  

  • On a completely fresh search screen, you will only see Create New Saved Search.  
  • If you are on the Search Documents Screen and have selected a Classification in your search, you will see a Create New Checklist option.  
  • If you are viewing an existing saved search, you will also see:

  • Save, which saves any changes you have made to filters or results display
  • Modify, which allows you to change the name of your search and other search settings

Clicking on Create New Saved Search opens the Create Saved Search window.

Create Saved Search Window

If you are a Saved Search Manager, you will see a Make Organizational checkbox, which you can learn more about here.  

Name is the name of the saved search which will serve as the link to open the search in the left-hand menu.

Auto Search indicates whether the search will immediately execute when the user opens it.  This toggle should only be turned on for searches that will always be executed exactly as they are saved.  If there are any search filters in the Saved Search that are intended to be filled out before the search runs, this toggle should be off.

Subscribe tells the system to send you notifications when new results show up in the search, e.g. when a new document is added to the system that meets your search criteria.

Once you click Save, the new saved search will show up in the left-hand menu beneath the search screen you created it from.  Click the arrow next to the appropriate link to see the saved searches from that screen.

Example Saved Search in Left-Hand Menu

Click Organize to reorder, group, or delete saved searches in your left-hand menu.  Learn more in Organizing Saved Searches.