

Entities are companies or organizations. Entities are associated with a document or folder when they are selected as an index data field for it. Users can add notes for an entity to capture phone calls, meetings, events or other interactions. Entity and Person information is automatically cross-referenced in the system so a user can view a complete chronological history of interactions with the person or entity.

Folder Definitions

Folder Definitions link to the workflow and define the index fields that appear for a workflow.

Folder Status

A folder status is linked to the state that a workflow folder (as a whole) is currently at.

List of Values

A list of values is an index field that has a limited number of values that an administrator set up. Unlike other index fields, when adding a document with a list of values index field, you must select an option from the list offered and you cannot manually type the value.


Persons are employees or contacts. Persons are associated with a document or folder when they are selected as an index data field for it. Users can add notes for a person to capture phone calls, meetings, events or other interactions. Entity and Person information is automatically cross-referenced in the system so a user can view a complete chronological history of interactions with the person or entity.

Position Folder

The position folder is determined by the positions within an organization. For example, if your organization contains software developers, you can find software developer users listed under a Software Developer Position folder.

Role Folder

The Role folder is determined by the role within the system. For example, if your system has Administrators, you can find users listed under an Adminstrator Role folder.

Workflow Status

A workflow status is linked to what task a user is currently at.

Workflow Templates

User create and maintain individual tasks and dictate how to route them in workflow templates.